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Thoughts on a New School Year: Asher Pinkston

By August 17, 2021February 17th, 2022General, HY Board

With the start of school coming up, my friends and I are talking a lot about what we’re looking forward to and what will be different this school year. I’m starting eighth grade at Pacific Cascade Middle School, after learning from home during all of seventh grade and half of the sixth grade. I will miss summer vacation, but I’m excited for school to start and to return to learning.

“I am looking forward to seeing people in person and seeing my friends,” my sister Lily Pinkston, who is starting sixth grade, said. She missed out on a lot due to COVID closures, including the fourth-grade Olympia trip, fifth grade camp, and fifth grade promotion.

While many teens may look forward to seeing friends back at school, they’re not looking forward to all aspects of school. I dread getting up early since I’ve been used to staying up late and sleeping in this summer. When I asked my friend, eighth-grader Sydney Evans if there’s anything she’s not looking forward to, she said, “Homework. I remember during virtual learning and having to stay up late doing homework and studying, so I just hope there’s less [homework].”

Some students are anxious about this coming year. I am anxious about getting my schoolwork turned in on time. My friend Sydney is anxious about talking to people. While many students are unsure about some aspect of the upcoming school year, at least we know we are all in this together. Seeing each other after so long apart will be a welcome change!

Asher Pinkston is an eighth-grader, Highlands Youth Advisory Board member, and a Wisteria Park resident.