As a resident of Issaquah Highlands, you may have questions about the community and not know whom to ask. The staff at the IHCA makes it easy for everyone to get answers to their questions about property management, parks, home maintenance and the like. You don’t even need to know who to ask: Just “Ask the IHCA”! (Use this online form >>> )
Here’s a recent example of a question being asked by more than just one resident:
Why were trees recently cut at the ground level on 30th Ave? Will they be replaced?
Thank you for contacting the IHCA. The IHCA hired an arborist this year to help with our Master Tree Replacement Plan. We found several common area trees that are diseased or growing incorrectly. They present a risk if they were to fall. The IHCA is spending over $10,000 this year to replace some common areas trees. The first step is to remove the unhealthy trees. Replacements will be made in a timely manner.