Crows and ravens have intrigued humans for centuries, inspiring mythic interpretation, artistic expression and scientific inquiry. artEAST’s “Crow/Raven: Magic and Mystery” is an art and lecture series bringing together these human responses to crows.
“Crows and ravens, and the art they inspire, elicit awe and fascination” says Greg Bartol, a metal sculptor and artEAST member who is curating the series. “We glimpse ourselves in these birds, and it turns out they are watching us as well.” Bartol points that crows and crow-related art are ubiquitous in and around Issaquah. The Issaquah Highlands is home to a crow roost, and an outdoor crow sculpture greets visitors to the Issaquah Library.
From May 30 through July 12, Blakely Hall will host a juried exhibition of art that tells a story about crows and ravens and their interactions with humans. Featured work includes calligraphy, feather art and a crow dressed in human clothing.
“We hope these pieces will spark conversations about the nature of crows and ravens and the dynamic between crows and people,” Bartol says.
Many free “Crow/Raven” events are scheduled at Blakely Hall. See the Community Calendar for details. On June 8th we have Feathers: Form and Function at 2 pm and Song of the Crow at 3 pm. Then from 4-6:00pm artists are featured at a reception. Return on June 25th at 7pm to enjoy Holy Crow, also at Blakely Hall.