Highlands Travel Night – Let See Where it Takes Us!
Issaquah Highlands is uniquely blessed with well-traveled residents. And some of us just wish we were!
Whether you’ve trekked around the world (like Mike and Pat) or had an international career with the inimitable Four Seasons Hotels (like Peter) or you’ve just recently moved to the U.S. and spent your first years here visiting our famous destinations (like Hems) or you bought a Volvo (or two) and used that as an excuse to spend a few weeks in Sweden breaking the new car in (like Larry and Sue), or you wish you had, this event is for you!
An informal night for like-minded neighbors, with just a short program to get things started:
The bulk of the evening will be unstructured, get acquainted time – Share and learn about travel!
Light snacks provided. Bring your own wine or beer, if desired.