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Central Park Improvement Plan

Blakely Hall

Central Park Improvement Plan Town Hall City of Issaquah staff will present and share information, and ask for community input,  about the...

Highlands Day 2016

Blakely Hall

SAVE THE DATE CLICK HERE for more festival details! CLICK HERE TO WATCH A BRIEF VIDEO: What is Highlands Day? VOLUNTEER!

Garage Sale – Community Wide

Community-Wide Issaquah Highlands

#IHgaragesale This is one of two annual garage sales in Issaquah Highlands. These are the only occasions which a garage...

New Resident Reception and Orientation

Blakely Hall

Join your fellow new neighbors for a welcome reception in your honor and a brieif presentation regarding the IHCA, Highlands...

Ashland Park Rededication

Ashland Park 1928 15th Ave NE, Issaquah, WA, United States

It’s done and it’s beautiful!! For the past several months the IHCA crew, along with help from the Pomegranate Center...

Community Resiliency, City of Issaquah

Blakely Hall

Join City of Issaquah Sustainability Discussion Series: Community Resiliency You’re invited to a discussion about community resilience as the City...

Emergency Preparedness Seminar

Blakely Hall

Stop by Blakely Hall and meet representatives from the City of Issaquah Emergency Management and Issaquah Highlands CERT Team 9. ...

Emergency Preparedness Seminar

Blakely Hall

Stop by Blakely Hall and meet representatives from the City of Issaquah Emergency Management and Issaquah Highlands CERT Team 9. ...

HY Halloween Party

Blakely Hall

The HY (Highlands Youth Advisory Board) welcomes all middle and high school students (must present student I.D.) to a Halloween...