While we're all home bound, join us for a bonus Yarns & Threads every Monday! (Our normally scheduled meetings are...
Swedish Medical Center, Main Lobby Founded in 1997 by cancer survivor, Tanya Parieaux, we are a network of volunteer knitters...
Telecommute Tuesday is canceled on April 14 for Spring Break. See you next week! Do you work from home? Do...
The King County Library2Go! Bookmobile visits Blakely Hall from 3:30pm-4:30pm – bring your library card and browse the van’s offerings. Library2Go!...
Notice: IHCA meetings will be held remotely through April. Additional information about remote meetings will be forthcoming for committee and...
Minecraft Mania is canceled on April 14 for Spring Break. See you on April 28! Join fellow elementary and middle-school...
Rovin' Fiddlers is canceled until further notice due to COVID-19. Drop in on our jam sessions. We welcome guitars, flutes,...
Toddler Playgroup is canceled on April 15 for Spring Break. See you next week! Moms, dads, caregivers and their children...
Toastmasters has moved online due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please visit https://ihtm.toastmastersclubs.org/ for information and the Zoom meeting link. The Issaquah...
Yarns & Threads Group has moved online until further notice. All knitters, crocheters, and stitchers (all abilities) are welcome! We...
Meditation Group is canceled on April 17 for Spring Break. See you next week! Discover how to find moments to...
Zumba Fitness at Blakely Hall is temporarily on hold due to concerns about Corona Virus. Cindy, the instructor, hopes that...
Photography group will be meeting online via Zoom in April! Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Utd-qvrzIuDnrCnoNWOlbCvg1Exier9A You will receive an...