High School Senior Events
A series of graduation events are planned for high school seniors in early June as they bid farewell to their time in high school and look ahead!
Issaquah High School events:
- Senior Prom – June 4
- Senior Breakfast & Graduation Rehearsal – June 8
- Senior Farewell* – June 8
- Graduation Ceremony – June 9, T-Mobile Park
- All Night Grad Party – June 9
*Senior Farewell is a ceremony that showcases the many talents of the graduating class and is a great way for families to celebrate the high school experience. The Senior Farewell Committee is looking for “Pay-it-Forward” donations of simple desserts and party supplies, allowing senior parents to focus on the celebration. See the list and sign up…
Gibson Ek High School events:
- Senior Exhibitions – June 1-3
- Senior Breakfast & Graduation Rehearsal – June 9
- Graduation Ceremony – June 10, in front of the Issaquah Community Center
Reminder to High School parents:
Grand Ridge Elementary “Bear Hunt” for Kindergarten Families
Families new to Grand Ridge Elementary next fall are invited to the “Bear Hunt” on Tuesday, May 24, from 5-6 p.m. During the event, incoming kindergarteners and their families will have the opportunity to tour the school, view a kindergarten classroom and see other important areas of the school, including specialist rooms, the cafeteria and, most importantly, the awesome playground! No RSVP is required. Start outside the main doors on the parking lot side of the school.
Program and Services Reductions for 2022-23 School Year
Over the next two years, the Issaquah School District (ISD) estimates the student population will decrease by 1,600 children. Unfortunately, to meet the budget shortfall due to decreased revenue from declining enrollment, the ISD School Board voted to approve a reduction in workforce and a list of proposed program and service reductions.
The proposed cuts include eliminating Positive Behavior Social Emotional Support (PBSES) coaches, high school athletic directors and high school deans of students. Curriculum adoptions and math and sciences support staff will also be suspended. Staff will be retained based on seniority and necessity, per the Issaquah Educator Association’s Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Tracie Jones is a Wisteria Park resident.