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During the summer months while the sun is shining, school is out, and everyone wants to take advantage of warmer weather, more time is spent outside.  In this incredible Urban Village where neighbors are close and yards are less than large, it is important to keep in mind a few of our community rules to be considerate of your neighbors while enjoying the great outdoors.

Puppy kittyANIMALS  (IHCA Use Restrictions and Rules (URRs) excerpt 2(a))
“…Dogs must be kept on leash and under control of a responsible party at all times when not contained within the boundaries of the Unit.  Pets shall not be allowed to roam free.  Owners must clean up after and properly dispose of pet waste.  Owners shall take sufficient steps to prevent their pets from unreasonably disturbing others and shall be responsible for any damages caused by their pet or the pet(s) of any guest or tenant…”

Most of the pet complaints received by the IHCA deal with not cleaning up pet waste and excessive barking.  Please be considerate of your neighbors and control and clean up after your pets!!

NOISE (URRs excerpt 2(w))Loud noise
“Use of any radio, loudspeaker, horn, whistle, bell, or other sound device is not allowed that would be audible to occupants of other Units, except alarm devices used exclusively for security purposes. Issaquah quiet hours are from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.”

We follow the same quiet hours as the City of Issaquah.  Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep sounds at reasonable levels, especially during quite hours.

Desk stuffSTORAGE (URRs) excerpt 2(h))
“Decks, patios, and porches are not to be used as storage areas.  They must be kept neat and orderly.  Permissible items to be displayed or used on balconies, patios, and porches include outdoor furniture, planters, and BBQ grills.  Furniture used on decks and patios shall be limited to a type especially designed and manufactured for outdoor use and kept in good repair.”

Do not use your porches, patios and decks as storage units!  Please be considerate of your neighbors and maintain the ambiance of the neighborhood by keeping these areas clutter free.

BURNING (URRs excerpt 2(e))Fire pit
“…Outdoor recreational fires are allowed only in professionally manufactured fire pits and cooking devices.  Manufactured fire pits must have spark arrestors.  No permanent, in-ground fire pit installations are allowed …  Homeowners must have proper fire suppression equipment on hand, such as a garden hose, shovel with bucket of sand, or fire extinguisher at all times during any fire.  Adult supervision of fires is required.”

Remember, smoke travels with the wind.  If you have an outdoor fire or use your charcoal grill regularly, please be considerate of your neighbors and limit the use if you know the smoke is traveling into your neighbor’s yard.

BearTRASH (URRs excerpt 2(gg))
“…Any trash (grey), recycling (blue), or yard waste (green) containers and/or bags and other trash containers must be stored indoors during non-pickup hours.  Trash cans may only be placed at the curb/street for pickup 12 hours prior to and 12 hours after pickup time…”

It seems like we can’t emphasize this enough!  This year seems to be a more active season for our bear population; more sightings have been reported than ever.  It is more important to obey the trash can storage rules and store your cans inside.  If you put them out early or bring them in late, you are inviting the bears to a buffet and bears remember where their food sources are and will come back time and time again.  Please be considerate of the safety of your neighbors and keep your cans away from the bears.  If you put them out before the morning of pick-up, please consider getting the bear resistant cans from Recology/CleanScapes (206-859-6700).

Republished from the original in August 2014 Connections, authored by Issaquah Highlands Community Association

Maintaining Community

Maintaining Community