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Resident Business Profile: Evan Flay, Flay Speed and Conditioning

By June 24, 2021February 17th, 2022Business, General

Evan Flay originally moved to Issaquah Highlands in 2004 and lived here for eight years before moving away. In 2012, he and his wife found an apartment in the lower Highlands area and have lived there ever since.

Evan was first introduced to the professional fitness world in high school when his personal trainer helped lead him to two powerlifting state titles. When his plan to become a professional athlete didn’t pan out, he discovered his true passion. In 2009, Evan started working as a personal trainer and football coach at Skyline High School. He continued to work in both positions through 2012, at which time Evan decided to start his own business and switched from coaching football to coaching track and field. His business Flay Speed and Conditioning, offers strength and performance training for athletes of nearly every sport, from about 9-years-old to the professional level.

After nine years, Evan’s business has grown considerably, adding several men’s and women’s Rugby World Cup athletes, international competitors, and over a hundred Highlands residents to his list of clients.

“Through coaching, I discovered what it felt like to work with kids in the middle of their most impressionable years, improving their lives from both a performance and personal standpoint,” Evan said. “Since then, I’ve made it my mission to provide high-level performance training, but also to deliver the kind of experience that my best coaches did for me when I was growing up. Yes, wins and scholarships and notoriety are fun, but if my training can help to improve and refine the character of an athlete, that’s just as rewarding for me.”

To Evan, keeping his business local is very important.

“With the rapid growth of the Issaquah Highlands, as well as the construction of the sports facilities at Central Park, this wave of young athletes has made it very easy for me to build from within our community,” Evan said. “Oh, and the two-minute commutes aren’t bad either.”

What advice would Evan offer to neighbors looking to start a business?

“The advice that I would give for those in our community looking to start a business is very similar to the words of encouragement my mom gave me when I was younger, although I believe the topic we were discussing had to do with mustering up the courage to ask girls to dance at middle school socials,” Evan said.

“It’s important to remember that the impactful choices in life are RARELY the most comfortable, so prepare for situations that may test your confidence. If you have a business, a service, or an idea that you believe in, put yourself out there and share it with the community. There are thousands of people in the Issaquah Highlands who are happy to support local entrepreneurs, but they’re not a charity. Just like any other business, you have to earn their trust, but when you do, the loyalty this community demonstrates goes beyond what you typically see from the clientele of a neighborhood business. And hey, if it doesn’t work out, you can always just come home, and mom will be there to give you a hug and tell you why wanting to dance with Ashley was never in your best interests in the first place.”

Evan Flay, Flay Speed and Conditioning: Contact by email

Johnna Masterson is the owner of Inspired and Organized, co-leader of the Issaquah Highlands Business Networking Group, and a Central Park resident. 

Click here to read all of our past Resident Business Profiles >>

Editor’s Note: Opinions expressed are solely those of the author. No goods or services were provided to the author or Highlands Council by the featured business in exchange for this article.

Highlands Council is proud to support local businesses and offers a number of unique opportunities for businesses to participate in and contribute to the Issaquah Highlands community. The Issaquah Highlands Business Networking Group meets virtually monthly; click here for more information. For Highlands Council sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please contact Christy Garrard.