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Study Habits for a Successful Exam Season

By May 16, 2024HY Board

Studying efficiently can prove to be challenging for some students. I am going to share some tips that can help studying become more enjoyable, rather than a task that can leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

The key to staying on top of all your classes is to be organized. You need to always know what tasks need to be done. You can organize easily by color coding folders and using a planner or a reminders app. At all times, you should know everything you need to complete. This can help alleviate stress, since you will always know exactly what you need to do.

You also need to take your time studying. Study slowly over the course of a few days rather than cramming the night before a test. You need to comprehend and understand the information rather than just trying to ‘memorize’ it. Don’t be scared to ask for help whether it’s from a friend or teacher—asking questions helps you learn! When you understand the content, it feels a lot less overwhelming.

Remember to prioritize self-care! Taking breaks can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. Studying does no good if you feel too overwhelmed to process the information. It’s more effective to study in hour increments with 15-minute breaks in between rather than studying for three hours straight. It’s important to stay calm and focused to avoid overwhelming yourself with the amount of information you are taking in. Your mental health always comes first. If you feel like you are getting too stressed, that means that it’s time for a break!

A proper workspace should have distractions set aside. Before studying, you should put away your phone and anything else that would take away from your learning. Distractions can ruin your focus and that can make it harder for you to remember information. If you are using a computer to study, close any applications that may cause you to redirect your attention away from your studying.

One last tip is to motivate yourself. When studying feels hard, try to motivate yourself with a reward at the end such as a piece of candy or watching an episode of a TV show—anything that motivates you! This will make you want to work harder to complete the task at hand.

In the end, do what works for you. If you have a method of studying that helps you, stick with what works. Different strategies work for different people, it’s all about what helps you learn the best!

Sydney is a 10th grader at Issaquah High School and a member of the HY Board.