Sarah Hoey In Connections, Development News, IHCA, Parks Progress in Our Parks: Announcing the IHCA’s Five-Year Parks Project This spring, the IHCA held its annual survey to gain valuable feedback from Issaquah Highlands residents. To coincide with our…Read More
Nina Milligan, Highlands Council In City of Issaquah, Development News, IHCA, Uncategorized Work Begins on High Street Linear Park! IHCA Executive Director Sarah Hoey and Landscape Manager Lyle Dickey met with the City of Issaquah and Taylor Morrison home…Read More
Nina Milligan, Highlands Council Communications Manager In Development News, Parks UVDC Supports High Street Linear Park Proposal Issaquah Highlands has new park in its future, one with panoramic views, park amenities for all ages, shelters and play…Read More
Vicki Grunewald In City of Issaquah High Street Park Proposal – Review The City of Issaquah's Urban Village Development Commission (UVDC) will conducting the public review of preliminary plans for the new…Read More