Lindsey Pinkston In Connections, Volunteer April Volunteer of the Month: Wei Geiger Congratulations to Wei Geiger, our volunteer of the month for April! A resident of the Grand View Park neighborhood, Wei…Read More
Bertan Aygun In Connections, IHCA, Volunteer March Volunteer of the Month: Bertan Aygun Congratulations to Bertan Aygun, our volunteer of the month for March! Bertan volunteers as a member of the IHCA Architectural…Read More
Joanne Dority In General, Volunteer Urban Wildlife and Issaquah Highlands Many of us have seen them in our neighborhoods: some of Washington’s most charismatic carnivores (black bears, coyotes, bobcats and…Read More
Brad & Kim Graziadio In Connections, Volunteer February Volunteers of the Month: Brad & Kim Graziadio This month, we want to congratulate two community volunteers, Brad and Kim Graziadio. Brad is one of the two volunteer…Read More
Lindsey Pinkston In Connections, Volunteer The Issaquah Highlands ‘Mosaic’ Get Involved with the Cross-Cultural Committee As we welcome 2020 here at Highlands Council, we are excited about growing our…Read More
Sarah Hoey, IHCA Executive Director In Connections, Volunteer January Volunteer of the Month: Sean Alexander Congratulations to Sean Alexander, our volunteer of the month for January! Sean has been a volunteer member of the Issaquah…Read More
Lindsey Pinkston In Connections, Volunteer December Volunteer of the Month: Henry Honig Congratulations to Henry Honig, our volunteer of the month for December! Henry volunteers as a leader of Poker Night at…Read More
Nina Milligan In Connections, Volunteer October Volunteer of the Month: Johnna Masterson “Issaquah Highlands is such a unique community! We love living here because it still has that small-town feel, even though…Read More
Lisa Soboslai In Connections, IHCA, Volunteer September Volunteer of the Month: Lisa Soboslai My husband, Sam Thacker, and I are part of the first wave of Issaquah Highlands’ residents, moving here in March…Read More
Christy Garrard In Connections, Volunteer 2019 Volunteer of the Year: Aline Bloch Congratulations Aline Bloch, on being named Issaquah Highlands 2019 Volunteer of the Year! This recognition is well-deserved and earned over…Read More